21 November 2010

Internet is back for a bit

Didn't go anywhere this weekend.  It rained a lot, but that is ok because I stayed inside to watch a lot of movies.  Although it would be more fun to travel, I need to continue improving my french so that I can make the most out of my next semester.  The giant ramp is part of the ski festivals that have been going on all over Grenoble.  This ramp in particular is on campus and allows students to practice their aerial tricks like backflips during the lunch period.  Obviously there is a giant air-inflated cushion for the landing.

A handful of American students invited me to a smores party.  There was no campfire, we used the hotplates on a stove.  The chocolate was Swiss, because it is domestic and the same price as American chocolate.  Could not find graham crackers, so an assortment of french cookies and "biscuits" were used instead.  We did have regular marsh-mellows though.

I have also included an updated picture of my fridge showing a pan of pico de gallo.

Artificial snow ramp

*It is worth mentioning that the peanut butter jar is no longer present in my collection