12 November 2010

Why is the internet so slow!!!

For the first two weeks that I had internet, it was nearly impossible to use the internet to find something after 5PM.  It always worked fine in the morning.  Also unique, if you went directly to a webpage, it generally worked fine.  That can mean only one thing: Google is slow.  I now use Bing (from Microsoft) without any problem.  Bing is fast, all day and every day.  There is a catch, I use Google for mail, chatting and calling back to the United States.  Thus I still have difficulties communicating with people in the States.

But why is such a revered company as Google slow here in France.  My guess is that there is not enough data servers to fill the demand.

I am bringing up this topic late because I found an article (in French so I will translate): 91% of all internet searches done in France are done using Google.

In America the numbers are as follows:
64.7% -Google
19.3% -Yahoo
8.2% -Bing (Microsoft, started in June of 2009)
3.1% -AOL (if you still remember them)

So in America, all of the traffic is not traveling on the same networks.

So if you come to France... use anything but Google, as strange as that sounds.